Columbus Book Festival Analysis

By 9:45 am on 13 July, 2024, almost 90 independent authors arrived into the Indie Author tent just outside the Columbus Metropolitan Library. Some were completing their table setup while others, like me and the author next to me (Mike Mollman), took the opportunity to walk around and meet other authors before opening hours at 10am.

A buzz of excitement hung in the air as authors displayed their craft from science fiction and YA adventures to memoirs and inspirational books for children. Stories seem to come to life in giant displays and small curiosities that invited readers into their worlds.

Once the festival began, there was a constant stream of people into the tent looking for their next read. During brief lulls, a fellow author across the aisle, Darin Miller, would give me a smile and asked how I was doing. Those brief moments were grounding and reassuring for a newbie author attending her second book festival. Next to me was A.L. Hatcher (pink Starburst enthusiast) with her crime thrillers. Behind me was the lovely, Amanda Irene Rush. Her memoir caught my attention and was supported by delicate sketches and photos from the past.

By 2:30pm, I ran out of books and made a mad dash for the last box in my car. Having not taken a break, I maximized this opportunity to take two bites of my lunch that was on ice in the boot of my car. Two delicious bites . . . that’s all I needed. In the 31C/88F weather, my digestive system had slowed to the speed of a sunbathing crocodile. The walk back to the tent under the scorching sun brought on yearning to be back under cover with hundreds of people cooling themselves in a chorus of hand fans. For the record, my ideal outside temperature is 15C/59F.

When closing time came on Saturday (6pm), we authors looked like we’d spent the day in a sauna. Eager faces had turned to wilted flowers. I looked forward to a quiet evening.

Sunday came and we all returned for round two. I sold out just before 2pm, packed up, and waved goodbye to my fellow authors. I learned later that all activities outdoors were closed down around 3:30pm because of severe thunderstorms.

Thank you to CML for hosting a well-organised and well-attended event (circa 42,000). A special thanks to those who bought QUANTUM SEED-Book One and to my fellow authors who make up a wonderful community.

QS stats – Female : Male readers – 52% : 48%

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